General subscription contract and General conditions
Documents required for the signing of a contract for telephony
- Request for a standard subscription contract for access and use of the communication services from the operator
- Standard subscriber contract for access and use of communication services from the operator
- Annex to the standard subscriber contract for access and use of communication services from the operator
Documents required for the signing of a contract for internet services
- Request for a standard subscription contract for access and use of the communication services from the operator
- Standard subscriber contract for access and use of communication services from the operator
- Annex to the standard subscriber contract for access and use of communication services from the operator
- Map of coverage of the Neotel DOO Skopje WiMAX network
Documents required for the signing of a contract for package services
- Request for a standard subscription contract for access and use of the communication services from the operator
- Standard subscriber contract for access and use of communication services from the operator
- Annex to the standard subscriber contract for access and use of communication services from the operator
- Map of coverage of the Neotel DOO Skopje WiMAX network
Other documents
General subscription contract and General conditions
General subscription contract and General conditions
General subscription contract and General conditions
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